Electronic currency exchanger list August 2013

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Cara Menghilangkan Background Teks Pada Shortcut Desktop Windows XP

Cara menghilangkan Background biru pada Desktop windows XP terbilang sangat mudah.  Munculnya background pada ikon ini bisa dikarenakan beberapa hal, bisa karena virus, perubahan theme, perubahan wallpaper, dll. Warna Backgroundnyapun bermacam-macam, namun yang sering saya temui adalah background ikon warna biru dan hitam. Bagi Anda yang merasa terganggu dengan tampilan desktop ini, Anda dapat mengikuti beberapa cara dibawah ini agar tampilan Desktop Anda kembali pada keadaan semula.

Cara Menghilangkan Background Biru Pada Desktop Windows XP

Background biru pada text ikon desktop

Cara pertama :

1.Klik kanan My Computer kemudian pilih Properties

2. Muncul jendela System Properties, buka tab Advanced

3. Pada performance klik Settings

4. Pada tab Visual Effects, beri tanda centang pada pilihan Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
5. Klik OK

Cara Kedua :

1. Klik Start Menu

2. Klik Setting

3. Klik Control Panel

4. Kemudian Klik Display

5. Pilih Dekstop

6. Klik Customize Desktop

7. Klik Web

8. Uncheked Lock Desktop Ico
atau (klik kanan pada Desktop - Arrange Icons By - Uncheked Lock Web Item On Desktop )

Cara Ketiga :

1. Jalankan Run (Klik start Menu pilih Run)

2. Ketik Regedit kemudian Enter

3. Masuk HKEY_CURRENT_USER pilih Software kemudian Microsoft pilih Windows> CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer

4. Klik kanan, New>DWORD Value dan beri nama NoDesktop

5.  Klik ganda pada NoDesktop dan masukkan angka 1 pada  Value Data

6. Refresh desktop anda, dan lihat hasilnya.

Itulah beberapa cara yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menghilangkan background biru pada Text ikon Desktop.  Semoga berhasil.
Terima kasih sudah mampir di tipnya ngeblog aja, jangan lupa komentar ya. , , , ,

Monday, 26 August 2013

Late-August Racing

ENDURrun and IMMT aside, there have also been a few other races worth mentioning over the past few weeks!

Mark Potvin had a great 5K in Dundas on the 17th.   He ended up breaking 25- minutes for the first time ever, and placing 3rd in his AG!

Shantell Powell also had a great performance at the Mud Hero 6K.  She ended up coming in with a time well under 1 hour, placing 81st in her AG.  This is pretty darn good since there were well over 300 people in her AG!

Despite just coming off the duathlon World Championships, Vance Lai performed quite well at the Orillia sprint duathlon.  He managed to place 3rd overall and 2nd in his AG!

H+P at Ironman Mount Tremblant

H+P had a few representative and Ironman Mount Tremblant- here they are!

Kevin Grotheer (the king of not training- actually did NOT train this year aside from fixing Coach Sean's AC and doing a few races) managed to finish the race in a comfortable time of 13:44:31.  This was good enough for 1474th overall, 66th in AG

One of Coach Sean's personal coaching athletes had an inspirational result.  Lori Smith was rounding into the best shape of her life 3 months out from the event.  However, on an otherwise unremarkable training ride, she fell off her bike and broke her arm.  She was put in a cast, and this left her unable to swim, bike or even run for 4 weeks.  At the 5 week point, the fracture still had not healed completely, but there was enough stability to start doing some light work in the trainer along with some other light exercises (still no swimming at all).  1 month out from the race, the arm had healed, but was weak and sore from not being used for 8 weeks!  There was no way the bone would be ready to withstand an Ironman, let alone have surrounding musculature that is ready to go (or so we thought).  At this point, most advised it was in her best interests to forget about the race.  However, not willing to quit, Lori ramped up the training very quickly (not without significant arm pain), and then decided she would give the race a shot.  She ended up finishing in well under 15 hours, good enough for 81st in her AG.  Great work Lori!

Ed Cyr (trained with us this past winter) who races with Studio Energi also had a great race!  He ended up coming in just under the 10-hour mark.  This was good enough to place easily in the top 100, and to win his AG!

Chris Morton (who trained with us last year) also had a great race, finishing in just under 10.5 hours.  This was good enough for top 20 in his AG, good job Chris!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

H+P at the 2013 ENDURrun

H+P had an amazing time competing at the 2013 ENDURrun!

We ended up entering two teams.  Click on the links below and follow through the Facebook album to see how each team did!  CLICK HERE for the overall results.

H+P Men's Team: click for full recap

H+P Girls + Mountain Man team: click for full recap

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Cara membuat email baru di Google GMAIL

Cara membuat email baru di Google yang biasa disebut gmail sangat mudah. Pada dasarnya membuat akun email di gmail sama saja mendaftar untuk satu akun yang bisa dipergunakan untuk mengakses semua produk Google.

Produk email dari Gmail ini terintegrasi dengan semua produk Google seperti Youtube, Google Plus, Webmaster Tools, Analytics
dan masih banyak lagi.Tapi produk-produk ini akan kita

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Cara Mendownload Youtube Dalam Format MP3

Cara mendownload youtube dalam format MP3 ini sebenarnya ditujukan untuk video-video lagu dan musik saja. Kalau teman-teman menemukan lagu atau musik yang disukai, maka bisa di download dalam bentuk file mp3 saja.

Jadi berbeda dengan artikel sebelumnya yang membahas tentang cara download video youtube tanpa software, karena metode itu mendownload audio dan video, sedang metode ini hanya

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Cara Membuat Link Di Blog Dengan CSS

Cara membuat link di blog menggunakan CSS mungkin sepele bagi yang sudah karatan di dunia blogging. Tapi ternyata sangat banyak teman-teman pemula yang bertanya di komentar ataupun di grup facebook mengenai cara membuat link....

Jadi kali ini saya akan membagikan cara membuat link di blog. Kita mulai dari yang sederhananya dulu ya....

Cara Membuat Link Dalam Artikel Di Blogspot

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Cara Upload Video Ke Youtube

Cara upload video ke youtube sebenarnya sangatlah mudah, hanya saja ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan seperti jenis file dan batas durasi. Jadi kali ini kita mau membahas seputar upload video ke youtube ini agak ke masalah teknisnya....

Di artikel sebelumnya sudah dituliskan tentang cara daftar akun youtube yang sebenarnya sudah terintegrasi saat anda membuat akun email baru di Gmail

Monday, 12 August 2013

H+P Race Weekend: Aug. 10th-11th, 2013

Another great weekend of racing for the team!  Here are the results:

Bracebridge Olympic Triathlon

  • Kristen Marchant: 2:11:53 - 1st female overall!
Bracebridge Sprint Triathlon
  • Greg Dyce: 1:14:48 - 22nd overall, 1st in AG, sub 20-min 5K(second fastest run of the day!)
  • Alex Ni: 1:23:43 - 75th overall, 10th in AG
Also, the Shrigley family had a great time competing in the "Race through Hell."  Here is a message form Ed:

"I had a great time of 40:22 getting a pb by 10 seconds the course was all hills there were no flats and I came in second in my age group. Candy also came in second in her age group with a time of 42:34. Nicole did not do so well with a time of 44:04 and a sore foot I think it is planters Brandon also ran with a time of 38:23"

H+P at the Duathlon World Championships

H+P had 4 athletes competing at the 2013 Duathlon World Championships that took place in Ottawa this year.  Click here for the full results.

Florian Ong did quite well, coming in with a finial time of 2:03:48, placing 12th in his AG and 55th overall and 11th among ALL Canadians who competed.  It is also worth noting that the runs were long (10.4K), and this would correlate to a 36:51 10K- a new PB for him!

Florian on the run course!

Coach Gill had a great race coming in with a final time of 2:33:46, placing 8th in her AG and 107th out of all the females.  She also had an awesome sprint finish, beating an American in her AG by 0.2s.

Coach Gill on her first run, not quite in pain yet!

Vance had a great first world championships- he came in at 2:14:55, placed 25th in his AG and 186th overall!
Vance hammering away on the 1st run

Coach Sean came in at 2:02:39, placing 10th in his AG, 44th overall and 6th place out of all the Canadians who competed.
Coach Sean on his second run

Cara Daftar Buat Akun Youtube

Cara daftar atau buat akun Youtube itu sebenarnya sederhana sekali. Bahkan pada dasarnya anda tidak perlu membuatnya sama sekali, karena itu selalu menjadi fitur pelengkap dari sebuah akun Google. Saya rasa anda cukup paham maksud saya....

Tapi sebagai tutorial awal untuk Youtube ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperjelas di sini:

Anda cukup mendaftar sebuah akun email di Google alias Gmail,

Friday, 9 August 2013

Berbagai Cara Cari Uang Di Internet Yang Perlu Anda Tahu

Saat ini ada banyak sekali cara yang dipakai orang untuk mencari uang dari internet. Anda bisa menemukan banyak sekali tips dan trik di sana sini; tapi semuanya itu justru membuat anda menjadi semakin bingung. Jadi di sini ya mau merangkum beberapa cara yang saya ketahui; supaya anda lebih mudah membuat perbandingan  mana metode yang paling sesuai untuk anda.

Apa yang bisa anda tawarkan?

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Template Blog SEO Friendly Responsive Design (Mudah Diedit)

Template blog SEO friendly kali ini dibuat dalam rancangan Responsive Design; dan mudah diedit. Apa yang dimaksud dengan responsive design? Maksudnya ialah akan menyesuaikan dengan ukuran layar pembacanya. Jadi tidak masalah untuk membuka template ini di gadget mobile mana saja.

Template blog ini sudah diatur agar SEO Friendly. Adapun pengaturannya meliputi:

Title tag yang berbeda di

Monday, 5 August 2013

Apa Itu Heading Di Blogspot Dan Cara Membuatnya?

Banyak teman-teman blogger yang belum paham apa itu heading di blogspot, apalagi cara membuatnya. Secara sederhana heading adalah "judul". Masalahnya adalah di dalam blog, judul itu mempunyai susunan bertingkat-tingkat.

Mengenal Susunan Atau Tingkatan Heading Di Blog
Sebagai contoh tingkatan judul atau heading bisa dilihat di bawah ini:

Judul Halaman
Judul Artikel
Judul Poin Dalam Artikel

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Impromptu 5K Track Session

We held our first impromptu 5K track session Saturday August 3rd at 8:00am.  We all tried for a PR- and while everybody valiantly hammered through the wind, Jordan was the only one to walk away with one!

A special thanks goes out to Lloyd and Julie for bringing their race clock, water and for cheering!

Here are the results:
*PR= personal record, SB= season best

1) Sean Delanghe: 17:14- SB
2) Jordan Schmidt: 17:20- SB,PR
3) Greg Dyce: 17:25- SB
4) Holger Kleinke: 20:02
5) Alex Ni: 22:32?
6) Jeremy Tracey: 22:33
7) Nolan Tracey: 27:30

And here are some great pictures from the event taken by Julie Schmidt!

Friday, 2 August 2013

12 Alasan Blog Dihapus Oleh Google

Mungkin banyak teman-teman yang bertanya alasan begitu banyaknya blog yang dihapus oleh Google belakangan ini. Ya, para pengguna platform blogspot seperti saya cukup was-was selama sebulan terakhir ini, karena intensitas penghapusan blogspot ini belum mereda sama sekali.

Bahkan blog-blog dengan domain sendiri pun ikut terhapus, jadi apa sebenarnya yang mengakibatkan penghapusan ini? Apakah

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Cara Back Up Template Blog Dan Mengembalikannya

Cara backup template dan mengembalikannya sangatlah penting diketahui oleh para blogger pemula sebelum melakukan pengeditan. Kenapa? Karena sebagai blogger pemula, teman-teman akan banyak sekali bereksperimen dengan template sebelum akhirnya menjadi paham tentang seluk beluk blog.

Kalau teman-teman tidak tahu cara menyimpan back-up template sebelum melakukan pengeditan, maka bisa jadi teman