Electronic currency exchanger list July 2015

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

2015 #SummerTT

With approximately 100 participants, the 2015 #SummerTT was our largest, most competitive, and most fun TT yet.

Since the course length is an odd 2.2K along with being extremely challenging (rolling hills, gravel, uneven terrain, and tight corners), this race has become notorious for being extremely painful, somewhat random, yet impossible to resist!  Anybody who has ever trained in Waterloo within their life has likely done some sort of session at Waterloo Park.  Because of this course experience, we have a home court advantage stemming from our intimate knowledge of this 1.1K loop.  The #SummerTT allows us to put this experience to use, showcase our speed, and run the Waterloo Park ring road better than anybody else can.  Here is a little taste of how this year's edition went:

Course Records 
(updated as of July 27th, 2015)

Overall Men: 6:13 Adam Hortian (July 27th, 2015)
Overall Women: 7:06 Vicky Siemon (July 28th, 2014)

Masters Men: 7:03 Larry Bradley (July 27th, 2015)
Masters Women: 8:40 Val Hobson (July 27th, 2015)

Junior Men: 7:19 Aidan Rutherford (July 27th, 2015)
Junior Women: 9:34 Nicole Shrigley (July 28th, 2014)

50+ Men: 7:25 Dave Rutherford (July 28th, 2014)
50+ Women: 10:42 Heidi Engelhardt (July 27th, 2015)

60+ Men: 8:26 Dean Foster (July 27th, 2015)
60+ Women: 11:31 Gail Delanghe (July 30th, 2012)

Full Results

H+P Kid's Dash

The first year of the H+P Kid's dash was awesome!  We had around 20 kids aged 0-9 tackle the 300m course, finishing to a cheering crowd of friends and family.  Familiar faces to H+P practices Jake Howard and Jenna Martin won the race for boys and girls respectively.

Results Summary

The 2015 #SummerTT was packed with a number of record breaking performances.  Here they are:

-Adam Hortian, who won the race OA, averaged 2:50/K to lower the new course record to 6:13.
-Larry Bradley, a specialist in duathlons, had a huge performance to break the Masters course record, setting the new bar at 7:03.
-Aidan Rutherford became the second Rutherford on our records list, setting a new junior record of 7:19 (and beating his dad in the process!)
- Tracy Urquhart took down one of our longest standing records- Masters women- with a time of 9:19.  In the next wave, Val Hobson bettered that record, running 8:40, taking over a minute off the previous best.
- With another one of our longest standing records- 60+ Men- Dean Foster put in a very strong effort to take over 2 minutes off our previous record, running 8:26.
For women 50+, Heidi Engelhardt ran a very strong record performance of 10:42!

Other notable performances include:
- Vicky Siemon was able to repeat her OA win and defend her title
- Dave Rutherford repeated as the 50+ champ
- Nicole Shrigley was the fastest junior girl for the 4th year in a row

Volunteers and Donations
This event simply would not have been possible without the help of our volunteers and those who donated to the event.

Music from Don't Tell My Mother 


Finally, we have to thank our outstanding sponsors for all their contributions in making this event great!

New Balance Canada


Mike Hewitson
Sales Representative with ROYAL LePAGE

Runner's Choice Waterloo

Delanghe ChiropracticFD

The next #SummerTT is only 1 year away!  Monday July 25th, 2016- mark it on your calendars.  Follow the event website HERE for updates as they come.


Thank you #SummerTT volunteers!

The #SummerTT simply would not have been possible without our volunteers.  Thank you everybody on this list who helped to make the even such a success, and fun for all!

  • Craig Kingston- course set up, registration, jack of all trades!
  • Helen Broom- course set up
  • Payton Thiel- lots of stuff! 
  • Brendan Hancock- traffic control, starter
  • Neil Malhotra- traffic control
  • Matt Chandler- traffic control
  • Alex Zorzitto- traffic control
  • Emily Hunter- lots of stuff!
  • Mike Bitton- lead cyclist 
  • Will Spaetzel- video man!
  • Jonathan Fugelsang- photographer
  • Dawn Frier- photographer
  • Cari Rastas Howard- lots of stuff!
  • Adam Dixon- traffic control
  • Lloyd Schmidt- race set up
  • Dave Korell- race set up, try-on event, awards
  • Stefano Boccia- race set up, dressing up as Newbie
  • Laura and Mike Hewitson- going way above as beyond running the food tent!
  • Don't Tell My Mother- crushing the acoustic set

If we missed you on this list, please let us know!!  Thank you all!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

SummerTT #'s

Bib Number First Name Last Name
201 Dave Rutherford
202 Ahmed Ahmed
203 Robert Brouillette
204 Nick Burt
205 Lucas Shwed
206 Adam Hortian
207 Michael Piazza
208 Chris Goldsworthy
209 Kailey Haddock
210 Valery Hobson
211 Tyler Fronchak
212 Aidan Rutherford
213 Greg Dyce
214 Matt Chandler
215 Aaron Mailman
216 David Haiser
217 Jonathan  Gascho
218 Larry Bradley
219 Jeff Martin
220 Robyn Collins
221 Vicki Zandbergen
222 Helen Stubbs
223 Jonathan Fugelsang
224 Emily Hunter
225 Derek Hergott
226 Kristin Marks
227 Manny Jones
228 Kimberley Chan Ah Song
229 Harold OKrafka
230 Sam Lalonde
231 Aditya Patil
232 David Layden
234 Ed Shrigley
233 Candy Shrigley
235 Linda Farczadi
236 Schuyler Schmidt
237 Steven Parke
238 Don Macleod
239 Paul Gonsalves
240 Maddie Hobson
241 Samantha Wiebe
242 Nicole Shrigley
243 Jae Lee
244 Kevin Wolfe
245 Adam Dixon
246 Dean Foster
247 Leroy Chen
248 Kyle MacKenzie
249 Matthew Chan
250 Shawn Wilson
251 Andre Chan
252 Nick Van Moorsel
253 Martin Chmiel
254 Erik Vicujnik
255 Eric Lucko
256 Tracy Urquhart
257 Heidi Engelhardt
258 Tammy Hergott
259 Samara Hergott
260 Olivia Hergott
261 Jennifer Merrett
262 Cari Rastas Howard
263 Tracey Kuchma
264 Natasha Guz
265 Aibhlin Kennedy
266 Beverly-Anne Ward
267 Nicholas Hobson
268 Charlotte Vasarhelyi
269 Christopher Phillips
270 Debbie Iwanyzki
271 Emily Willard

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Hffftt ...
udah lama bener ane kga posting ,Sebelum itu,Mohon maaf lahir bathin dulu ye buat Pengunjung , Telat emang ... ahahaha

ya udah , ane mau jelasin Postingan ane dulu ,
kali ini ane mau share APK Game Line Get Rich Server Jepang yang baru baru ini udah update ke Versi 1.1.5 , Dengan Update'an yang lumayan bagus , dan event'nya seru seru bgt ...
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sekian deh dari ane kali ini , sampai ketemu lagi di postingan ane berikutnya ^^


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Resep Membuat Hamburger - Salah satu makanan cepat saji yang memiliki rasa super lezat ini memang sudah tidak asing lagi kita dengar dan kita jumpai. Konon ada yang mengatakan jika hamburger merupakan makanan yang di ciptakan pada tahun 1900an. Ada yang mengatakan jika makanan ini berasal dari Amerika, namun ada pula yang mengatakan makanan ini berasal dari negara Jerman tepatnya dari kota

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

2015 Mixed Team Challenge: #SamVsLaura

The 2015 ENDURrun is just over 2 weeks away!  This year we have 7 teams and 8 ultimates who have entered the event.  So far we have introduced our:

Men's A1 team
Women's A team
Men's Masters team

Today, we are very excited to introduce a challenge between two of our mixed teams.  Bitter rivals Sam (Whiz Kid) and Laura Hewitson will captain their own team as they go head to head in a ruthless (aka fun) week-long competition.  Each team is built to have almost identical finish times for the entire week.  Some stages will include very close match ups, others we expect one team to have an advantage.  If every single person runs to their ability, this could come down to the last few K's in the marathon before the #SamVsLaura champion is crowned!

Without further adieu, here are the rosters along with their current 5K ability according to our rankings page.

Stage 1: Half Marathon


Team Sam vs. Team Laura
 Sam Lalonde vs. Lucas Shwed
21:17 vs. ~19:30

 Stage 2: 15K TT

Team Sam vs. Team Laura
Cari Rastas- Howard vs. Laura Hewitson
25:53 vs. 26:19

Stage 3: 30K Cross-Country

Team Sam vs. Team Laura
Justin Buis vs. Eric Hunsberger
20:24 vs. 20:22

Stage 4: 10-Mile Hill Run

Team Sam vs. Team Laura
Kristin Marks vs. Kimberly Chan
23:47 vs. 23:39

Stage 5: 25.6K Alpine Run

Team Sam vs. Team Laura
Steven Parke vs. Linda Farczadi
18:20 vs. 22:14

Stage 6: 10K TT


Team Sam vs. Team Laura
Tracy Urquhart vs. Val Taiakina
21:31 vs. ~20:00

Stage 7: Marathon


Team Sam vs. Team Laura
Colin Calvert vs. Nick Burt
18:30 vs. 17:45

During the ENDURrun, make sure to follow the #SamVsLaura hashtag on twitter, along with our stats page tracking the battle HERE.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015


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Sunday, 19 July 2015

Racing: July 18th-19th, 2015

With less than a month to go until ENDURrun and one week until our SummerTT, the team was once again dispersed all over the place hammering at a diversity of races.  Here's how we did:

Kitchener Downtown Mile

  • Adam Hortian won the inaugural event with a time of 4:37!
  • RunnerRob was right behind him, running 4:45, good for 2nd OA. 
  • Jordan had a very solid race, running 5:06 making him the 3rd H+P-er in the top 5.
  • Nick Burt had an outstanding race, finishing just behind Jordan in 5:06 and placing 6th OA.
  • Coach Dyce came in at 5:15, making him the 5th H+P athlete in the top 8!
  • Justin Buis ran a very solid 5:56 which correlates with his second fastest performance EVER.
  • Robyn Collins ran her first race in months, putting in a very solid effort of 6:09, placing 4th for females.
  • Vicki was in next for the team, running 6:26 and finishing 5th OA for females!
Little Traverse Triathlon
  • Sam Wiebe had an outstanding finish, showing all those American girls how it's done as she won her AG with a time of 1:52!
Gravenhurst Oly Triathon 
  • Lucas Shwed finished with a solid time of 2:21, good for 12th OA and 2nd in his AG.
  • Kimberly Chan completed the course in 2:54, placing her 1st in her AG!
Gravenhurst Give it a Tri
  • Kyle MacKenzie had an outstanding performance, managing a solid 13th OA and 6th place in the high competitive 19&under AG!
Niagara Sprint Triathlon
  • Tracy Urquhart had a very solid performance.  Treating it as a training race, she still managed an outstanding 4th in her AG, 18th OA.
North Face Endurance Challenge
  • Andrew Heij tackled the brutally hot and tough course, finishing 32nd with a time of 6:43:52.
Half Marathon
  • RunnerRob was back in action- running the extremely difficult course in 2:01, placing 3rd OA.
  • Michele Studhalter was in next for the team, finishing with a very respectable 3:01:57.
  • Robyn Collins had an outstanding performance in her second race of the weekend, placing 4th out of females with a time of 42:02. 

Did we miss your result?  Please let us know and we will include you in the next recap!


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Saturday, 18 July 2015


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Thursday, 16 July 2015

Thank you for the SummerTT Donations!

The 2015 SummerTT is almost here!  It is going to be our best yet, and it simply would not be possible without all of the generous donations.  Large or small, all of this has helped us to add extra features this year, like chip timing!  Thank you to the following people:

  • Natasha Guz
  • Erik Vicujnik
  • Andre Chan
  • Robyn Collins
  • Lucas Shwed
  • Sam Lalonde
  • Howie O'Kafka
  • Manny Jones
  • Cari Rastas Howard
  • Emily Hunter
  • Heidi Engelhardt
  • Jeff Martin
  • Dave Rutherford
  • Paul Gonsalves
  • Don MacLeod
  • Chris Goldsworthy
  • Val Hobson
  • Sam Wiebe
  • Spiderman
*If you want to be removed from this list so that your donation is private, please let us know!  If we missed you, also let us know!

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Our 2015 Men's A1 ENDURrun Team

The ENDURrun is almost here!  Every Wednesday in July we are introducing 1-2 of our 7 relay teams.  So far we introduced our Women's and Men's Masters team.  Today we introduce a collection of some of our fastest men compromising the Men's A1 Team.  Unfortunately our #2 ranked runner, Brendan Hancock, is out due to a scheduling conflict, but we have still put a fast group together with some big goals:

- The first goal is to take down our team record of 11:16 from our A1 team of last year.  You can follow along HERE on our stats page.  
-Our second goal is simple: to break the 11:04 course record set by the Road Scholars in 2012.  
-Our final goal- in an ideal world we would also love to break 11:00 hours.  Over the years we have found that it's very challenging to have 7 athletes on 7 different days firing on all cylinders and ready to compete at their best.  That being said, if all goes well, sub-11 is within reach, so we're going for it!

Stage 1: Half Marathon

Name: Ahmed "Young Blood" Ahmed
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130lbs
Age: 22
PBs: 34:45 10K, 16:44 5K, 12 cups in 5 mins
Favourite Workout: hills
Favourite Recovery Food: Reeses' Cups

Stage 2: 15K TT
Name: Adam Hortian
Height: 6'0
Weight: 150
Age: 31
PBs: 8:08 3K, 23:55 8K, 1:06:34 half
Favourite Workout: 1K reps
Favourite Recovery Food:Turkey, swiss, chiabatta sandwich

Stage 3: 30K Cross-Country
Name: Luke Ehgoetz
Height: 6'0
Weight: 168
Age: 42
PBs: 17:25 5K, 36:13 10K
Favourite Workout: 800m repeats, progressive bike intervals
Favourite Recovery Food: Protein shakes (bananas, yogurt, ice, protein powder)

Stage 4: 10-Mile Hill Run
Name: Sean Delanghe
Height: 5'9
Weight: 158lbs
Age: 29
PBs: 16:11 5K, 33:17 10K, 1:16:58 half
Favourite Workout: 7-8 sets of sole-full puns
Favourite Recovery Food:  Pizza + chocolate milk

Stage 5: 25.6K Alpine Run
Name: Greg Dyce
Height: 6'0
Weight: 160
Age: 29
PBs: 34:30 10K, 16:56 5K
Favourite Workout: Anything not on the track
Favourite Recovery Food: Grilled Cheese

Stage 6: 10K TT
Name: Jordan Schmidt 
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160
Age: 27
PBs: 35:39 10K, 16:53 5K
Favourite Workout: 1 minute repeats
Favourite Recovery Food: A&W

Stage 7: Marathon
Name: RunnerRob
Height: 6'0
Weight: 138
Age: 23
PBs: 16:02 5K, 1:13:28 half
Favourite Workout: Running a lot
Favourite Recovery Food: Chapatis and chi tea

Make sure to follow our Facebook page and the stats battle page to see how the team does!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Team Race weekend July 11th-12th

With our next major team races (the SummerTT and ENDURrun) still a few weeks away, H+P was all over the place this weekend.  Here's how we did:

Limberlost Challenge

  • As a tune up for ENDURrun, Val had an outstanding performance in the 56K.  She managed to walk away with the OA win for females with a time of 7:06.
  • Andrew and Dave both managed outstanding training efforts, completing 42K.
  • Vicki had a very solid 28K, finishing the technical course in 3:16, placing 6th OA for females. 
  • Kyle had a great race in the try-a-tri.  Toughing out very hot conditions, he managed a solid 6th place in his very deep 19&under AG. 
Meaford Harbour 5K
  • Gillian had a great return after a number of months off due to injury.  All of her cross training paid off as she managed a 19:26, good enough for 2nd OA.
  • Coach Sean got crushed by two tweens, placing 3rd OA with a time of 16:47.
  • Gail Delanghe had a great run of 29:30, placing 3rd in her AG.
Dirty Dash
  • In the 8K, Jeff Martin had a great race, finishing 3rd OA.
  • Vicki had a quick recovery from Limberlost and finished 2nd for females, 8th OA.
  • After a grueling day at Limberlost, Andrew and Heather ran strong 8K races, winning the spouse division!  
  • In the 4K, Brian placed 4th OA with a time of 18:30.
  • Sam (Whiz) and his daughter, Ruby had great races in the 4K.  They finished in around 30 minutes, placing 6th in the parent- child category.  

If we missed your result, please let us know!  Onward to another great week of training.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Resep Cara Membuat Bubur Sumsum Yang Mudah

Resep Cara Membuat Bubur Sumsum - Siapa yang tidak mengenal bubur sumsum. Bubur yang sangat sederhana namun memiliki rasa yang membuat ketagihan ini memang sangat di sukai banyak orang. Bubur ini juga sangat cocok di santap untuk semua umur, karena bahan yang di gunakan tergolong aman. Selain itu tekstur dari bubur sangat lembut sehingga sangat cocok bagi kakek nenek yang sudah kehilangan

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Our 2015 ENDURrun Masters Men's Team

 The ENDURrun is fast approaching!  We had an amazing time last year, but this year is shaping up to be even better.  As many of you know, H+P will have 7 relay teams with various challenges to tackle as they conquer this week-long 7-stage race.  Every Wednesday in July, we will be revealing 1-2 of our teams along with their goals for the event. 

Last week we introduced our Women's team, today we have the team that is aiming to crush them: the H+P Masters Men's team (follow the battle here).


  • The major goal of this Masters team is simple: to win the Women's Team vs. Masters Men's Team challenge.  Follow the battle HERE on our stats page. 
  • As far as we know, this will be the first complete Masters Men's ENDURrun relay team, so they will also be setting the standard for future teams to chase!

Stage 1: Half Marathon
Name: Don 
Height: 6'1
Age: 48
Favourite Workout: Long runs
Masters Athlete Tip: Quality workouts...H+P!

Stage 2: 15K TT and Stage 3: 30K Cross-Country

Name: Holger Kienke
Height: 6'0
Age: 48
Favourite Workout: Easy run, 20-38K.
Masters Athlete Tip: Run more miles. 

Stage 4: 10-Mile Hill Run
Name: Paul Gonsalves
Height: 5'9
Age: 50
Favourite Workout: 1 minute repeats
Masters Athlete Tip: The harder you work, the harder you need to rest.

Stage 5: 25.6K Alpine Run

Name: Jonathan Fugelsang
Height: 5'9
Age: 44
Favourite Workout: 1 min repeats
Masters Athlete Tip: Beer is a perfectly acceptable recovery drink.

Stage 6: 10K TT
Name: Steve Schmidt
Height: 6'0
Age: 46
Favourite Workout: Foxy Frog
Masters Athlete Tip: Listen to your body and take great pride in finishing ahead of those 20 years younger! 

Stage 7: Marathon
Name: Jeff Martin
Height: 6'0
Age: 41
Favourite Workout: Fartlek in the woods.
Masters Athlete Tip: Once I figure it out, I'll let you know!

Make sure to follow the action on our Facebook Page as well as the battle on our stats page the second week of August!  We will keep you up to date on stage results, full event standings, how they are stacking up against our Women's team!